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How to Heal a Hurting Home and Grow a Healthy One (Ephesians 4:1-32)

God has created us to live (flourish) in relationship with others.

HE WHO willfully separates and estranges himself from God and man] seeks his own desire and pretext to break out against all wise and sound judgment (Proverbs 18:1)

A loner is out to get what he wants for himself. He opposes all sound reasoning.

I. Let Jesus teach you His personality traits. (vs. 1-3, 20-21; Mat. 11:29; Gal. 5:22-23)

A. Lowliness and meekness of mind. (vs. 2)

B. Long-suffering (Patience)

C. Forbearing one another in love consistent and constant forgiveness (Col. 3:13).

D. Keeping the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. (vs. 3)

II. Let Jesus put you to work in the church. (vs. 11-13)

A. For the perfecting of the saints.

B. For the work of the ministry.

C. For the edifying of the body of Christ.

III. Let Jesus help you "grow up" spiritually. (vs. 14)

A. Learn to speak the truth in love. (vs. 15)

B. Involve yourself in edifying the whole body.

IV. Let Jesus renew the spirit of your mind. "Put on the new man." (vs. 23-24)

A. Cultivate complete honesty in all of your relationships. (vs. 25)

B. Learn to deal with anger constructively. (vs. 26)

C. Take away the devil's place in your home, life and church. (vs. 27)

D. Stop stealing, start working. (vs. 28)

E. Stop cursing, start blessing with your tongue. (vs. 29)

F. Grieve not the Holy Spirit with unholy behavior. (vs. 30)

G. Get rid of the emotional junk in your life. (vs. 31)

V. Healing your home or your life will always begin with forgiveness. Forgive others just as Jesus has forgiven you. (vs. 32)